Distributor Rotor Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Distributor Rotor Sub-Assembly (#19102-11370) is a critical part of the engine-fuel system in Toyota vehicles. This key component is responsible for accurately timing the electrical pulse that triggers the ignition system to fire the engine's cylinders. It works in harmony with the distributor cap and ignition coil to achieve this. As a genuine Toyota part, it ensures optimal compatibility with your vehicle and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this part can become worn or damaged and may need replacement to maintain optimal engine performance. If neglected, a faulty distributor rotor can lead to misfiring, reduced fuel efficiency, and potential engine damage. In summary, a well-maintained Distributor Rotor Sub-Assembly (#19102-11370) contributes significantly to the overall performance of your Toyota vehicle, enhancing its efficiency and reliability.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 19102-11030;19102-11031;19102-11031-73;19102-11050
Part Number 19102-11370

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